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Design and Construct Contract Pros and Cons


Design and Construct Contract Pros and Cons: What You Need to Know

When embarking on a construction project, one of the first decisions to make is the type of contract to use. Design and construct contracts have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they offer advantages over more traditional approaches like the lump-sum contract. However, as with any contract, there are both pros and cons to consider.


– Single point of responsibility: One of the biggest benefits of a design and construct contract is that there is a single point of responsibility for the project. The design and construction teams work together from the outset, which means that any issues that arise can be resolved quickly and efficiently without the need for finger-pointing or blame-shifting.

– Faster project completion: Because the design and construction teams work together, there is more opportunity for collaboration and co-ordination. This can result in faster project completion times, as well as the potential for cost savings.

– Cost savings: Speaking of cost savings, a design and construct contract can be more cost-effective than a lump-sum contract. This is because the design team is involved from the beginning, and can provide input on the feasibility of designs and the costs of materials. This means that potential cost overruns can be identified and addressed early on.

– Flexibility: A design and construct contract can also offer greater flexibility than a lump-sum contract. Changes to the project can be accommodated more easily, and the design team can provide input on the feasibility and cost implications of any proposed changes.


– Limited control over design: While a design and construct contract can offer more flexibility, it can also mean that the client has less control over the design of the project. This is because the design team is responsible for coming up with the initial designs, and they may have their own ideas and preferences that differ from those of the client.

– Higher upfront costs: While a design and construct contract can be more cost-effective in the long run, it may require more upfront investment. This is because the design team is involved from the outset, and their fees must be paid even if the project doesn`t go ahead.

– Potential for conflicts of interest: Finally, there is the potential for conflicts of interest with a design and construct contract. Because the same company is responsible for both the design and construction phases of the project, there may be a temptation to cut corners or make decisions that prioritize cost savings over quality.

In conclusion, a design and construct contract can be a great option for many construction projects. It offers benefits like a single point of responsibility, faster project completion times, and potential cost savings. However, it`s important to be aware of the potential downsides, like limited control over design and the potential for conflicts of interest. By weighing up the pros and cons carefully, you can make an informed decision about whether a design and construct contract is the right choice for your project.


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