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Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Plans


Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Plans: Understanding Your Options

Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) is a licensing program created to help organizations manage their software licenses more efficiently. A Microsoft EA plan provides organizations with a flexible, cost-effective solution for deploying Microsoft products and services across their organization. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at Microsoft EA plans, the benefits they offer, and the options available to organizations.

What is a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA)?

A Microsoft EA is a licensing agreement between Microsoft and an organization that allows the organization to deploy Microsoft products and services across their organization. The agreement provides a flexible and cost-effective way for organizations to manage their software licenses, including access to the latest Microsoft technologies and support services.

Benefits of a Microsoft EA Plan

Microsoft EA plans offer a variety of benefits to organizations, such as cost savings, simplified license management, and access to the latest Microsoft technologies. Here are some of the benefits of a Microsoft EA plan:

1. Cost Savings: Microsoft EA plans offer cost savings to organizations by providing them with volume licensing discounts and the ability to spread payments over a three-year term.

2. Simplified License Management: EA plans make it easier for organizations to manage their software licenses by providing a single agreement for all Microsoft products and services, centralizing license management and compliance.

3. Access to the latest Microsoft Technologies: EA plans provide organizations with access to the latest Microsoft technologies, including software upgrades, new releases, and support services.

Microsoft EA Plan Options

There are three primary Microsoft EA plan options available to organizations, each with its own unique benefits and requirements. Here’s a brief overview of the EA plan options:

1. Enterprise Agreement: The primary EA plan is designed for organizations with a minimum of 500 desktops or users and includes licensing for Microsoft software products and services.

2. Enterprise Subscription Agreement: The Enterprise Subscription Agreement (ESA) is a three-year subscription-based licensing plan that includes licensing for Microsoft software products and services.

3. Server and Cloud Enrollment: The Server and Cloud Enrollment (SCE) is a three-year licensing plan that includes licensing for Microsoft Windows Server and Microsoft Azure cloud services.


Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) plans provide organizations with a flexible and cost-effective solution for managing their software licenses. EA plans offer a variety of benefits, such as cost savings, simplified license management, and access to the latest Microsoft technologies. By understanding the options available, organizations can choose the EA plan that best meets their needs and budget. If you’re interested in learning more about Microsoft EA plans and which one is right for your organization, consult with a Microsoft licensing expert or your IT department.


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