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Bma Gp Contract Agreement 2020/21


The British Medical Association (BMA) has recently secured a new GP Contract Agreement for the year 2020/21. The agreement aims to provide better support and resources for general practitioners, while improving patient care and outcomes.

The new contract includes several changes and improvements to existing services, including enhanced support for patients with mental health issues, expanded access to clinical pharmacists and other practitioners, and improved funding for general practice.

One of the most significant changes is the introduction of a new funding model, which aims to increase funding for general practice and better support the recruitment and retention of GPs. This model includes a new „sustainability dividend” payment, which will be given to practices that meet certain criteria regarding patient care and outcomes.

Another key change is the establishment of a new Quality Improvement (QI) programme, which aims to support general practice in implementing evidence-based care and improving patient outcomes. The QI programme will be voluntary, but practices that choose to participate will receive additional funding and support.

The new contract also includes changes to the GP Partnership model, which aims to make partnerships more attractive and sustainable for GPs. These changes include increased funding for partnership roles, more flexible working arrangements, and improved support for succession planning.

Overall, the new GP Contract Agreement for 2020/21 represents a significant step forward for the BMA and the UK`s general practice system. By investing in better support for GPs and improving patient care and outcomes, the BMA is helping to ensure that the UK`s healthcare system remains strong and sustainable for years to come.


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