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24.1 Agreement between Subjects and Verbs


When it comes to writing, there are many grammar rules that need to be followed to ensure clarity and professionalism. One such rule is the agreement between subjects and verbs, also known as subject-verb agreement. This rule is an essential component of good writing, and it can greatly impact the effectiveness of your content. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of subject-verb agreement and provide helpful tips on how to get it right.

What is Subject-Verb Agreement?

Subject-verb agreement refers to the fact that the verb in a sentence should agree with the subject in terms of number and person. In other words, if the subject is singular, then the verb must be singular, and if the subject is plural, then the verb must be plural. This may seem like a simple concept, but it can be tricky to get right, especially when there are complex sentence structures or multiple subjects and verbs involved.

Examples of Subject-Verb Agreement

To better understand subject-verb agreement, let`s look at some examples:

– The cat chases the mouse. (singular subject and verb)

– The cats chase the mice. (plural subject and verb)

– My friend and I are going to the movies. (compound subject with plural verb)

– Neither the teacher nor the students were happy about the test. (compound subject with singular verb)

As you can see from these examples, the subject and verb must agree in terms of number and person. It`s essential to pay attention to the subject and verb in a sentence to ensure that they match.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when it comes to subject-verb agreement:

– Confusing collective nouns: Collective nouns, such as team, family, or staff, can be singular or plural, depending on how they are used in a sentence. For example, „The team is playing tonight” is correct, while „The team are playing tonight” is incorrect.

– Ignoring phrases between subject and verb: Phrases such as „along with,” „as well as,” or „in addition to” can be distracting, but they should not affect subject-verb agreement. For example, „The dog, along with his toys, is always happy” is correct.

– Treating prepositional phrases as the subject: Prepositional phrases, such as „in the park” or „with the book,” describe the subject but are not the subject themselves. For example, „The book on the table is mine,” not „The book on the table are mine.”

Tips for Getting Subject-Verb Agreement Right

Here are some tips for getting subject-verb agreement right:

– Identify the subject: Always identify the subject in a sentence to ensure that the verb agrees with it.

– Pay attention to plurals: Be mindful of plural subjects and ensure that the verb also reflects this.

– Use singular verbs with singular indefinite pronouns: Words such as anyone, someone, or nobody are singular, and thus require a singular verb. For example, „Nobody wants to go to the meeting.”

– Read the sentence out loud: Reading the sentence out loud can help you identify any errors in subject-verb agreement.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a fundamental rule of grammar that can greatly impact the effectiveness of your writing. By paying close attention to the subject and verb in a sentence, avoiding common mistakes, and following these tips, you can ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and professional.


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